Death Ranking

Top 20 Most Killed Characters on RetRO

Rank Character Name Deaths Job Class Base Level Job Level Guild Name
1 Viho 4,634 Champion 99 70 Guildless
2 Hikari 2,685 High Wizard 99 70 None
3 EIizabeth 2,569 Hunter 99 50 Ranelle and Friends
4 AGARABU 2,471 Sniper 99 70 Pandemonium
5 Father Steve Fox 2,015 Champion 94 68 None
6 Periwinkle 1,972 High Wizard 99 70 Mamon and the Boys
7 All Eyes On Me 1,930 Monk 99 50 Solo Leveling
8 Compulsory Discount 1,912 Clown 97 70 Pandemonium
9 Ayden 1,760 Assassin 99 50 None
10 Xxxs 1,750 Champion 99 70 AHJIN
11 JustCallMePretty 1,746 Wizard 99 50 None
12 WeaponXs 1,740 Assassin Cross 99 70 AHJIN
13 Simpleng Tao 1,677 Clown 99 70 None
14 kute 1,663 Sniper 99 70 SM MALL OF ASIA
15 Cassandra Xi 1,654 Sniper 99 70 None
16 Oyoggez 1,615 High Priest 99 70 Legends
17 oxoSUMMERoxo 1,587 High Wizard 97 70 AHJIN
18 Hitches and Boes 1,548 Champion 96 68 None
19 ScriptUploaded 1,529 Sniper 98 70 Pandemonium
20 pakeelamkosayo 1,519 Hunter 99 50 None